
American Backflow Prevention Association ABPA is dedicated to education and technical assistance regarding protecting drinking water from contamination through cross-connections.

American Water Works Association (AWWA) The American Water Works Association (AWWA) is an international nonprofit scientific and educational society dedicated to the improvement of drinking water quality and supply.

DOH: Division of Drinking Water Washington State’s Department of Health site.

Drinking Water and Backflow Prevention Magazine

Foundation for Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic Research, University of Southern California

National Rural Water Association is a non-profit federation of State Rural Water Associations.

Pacific Northwest Section American Water Works Association (PNWS-AWWA) PNWS-AWWA provides leadership to drinking water professionals in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington in the areas of drinking water quality, water resource policy, and water related planning issues.

Spokane Aquifer Joint Board provides information on Backflow Protection & Cross Connection Control. They also provide a search feature to Find Your Water Provider in Idaho and Washington.

Western Washington Cross Connection Prevention Professionals “The Group” consists of individuals who are currently working in the field of Cross-Connection Control.

Washington Environmental Training Center (WETRC) Backflow Assembly Tester and Cross Connection Control Specialist training.

Washington Certification Services  Administers the state of Washington’s Baclflow Assembly Tester (BAT) certification program and examinations on behalf of Department of Health, Or contact the Rachel Neville (BAT Director) at (253) 288-3357.